We want to name our vehicles, give them life, even a destiny! This is our good resolution, to humanize our fleet! ⭐
Only, this is a project we cannot imagine doing without you! ✌
👉 So how about imagining the future names of our minivans, minibuses and coaches ? Leave your mark and witch them on the roads.
A single rule, the universe of Marseille and its Provence!
And why not “Tiboulen” ??
Known in Marseille as the island of the tortoise because of its shape, it is located in the Riou archipelago, to the south of the city. It was made famous by Alexandre Dumas in his book The Count of Monte Cristo : during his escape, Edmond Dantès swam the 7km that separate the Château d’If from the Tiboulen island! 🏝
So, are you in ?